I have tried the same 3G modem in a Windows XP machine and I can also connect to the VPN just fine. So the problem seems to be the 3G connection and Windows 7. I have tried lowering the MTU, disabling the firewall, enabling everything VPN related in the firewall, disabling antivirus and antimalware and disabling the internal modem.

VPN error 619 is a common VPN connection error, Error 619 occurs when you try to connect to a VPN (virtual private network). When you try to connect VPN the error says “Error 619: A connection to the remote computer could not be established, so the port used for this connection was closed. 17/12/2013 02/02/2015 Mon OS actuel est windows 7. Le vpn Ipredator fonctionne avec le protocol PPTP, ce que j'ai spécifié pour la connexion, mais cela n'a rien changé. J'ai tenté l'ouverture manuelle des ports nécessaires, mais cela n'a rien changé non plus. C'est la première fois que j'utilise un vpn, et l'erreur obtenue lors de tentative de connexion est l'erreur 619: "Il n'a pas été possible d'établir


May 4, 2020 VPN PPTP error 619 happens to be the most common error encountered on Windows devices when attempting to connect to a virtual private 

Jan 28, 2012 Where SBS has traditionally supported the PPTP protocol for its VPN, this article Select VPN Access and LAN Routing in the next window. I am having problems getting an XP client to connect to the VPN (error 619, 721, and once Running SBS 2011 Essentials and client machine is Windows 7 Pro.

erreur 806 / 721 Votre firewall ou votre FAI bloque votre acces VPN. Si cette erreur apparait pour L2TP ansi que